Monday, July 13, 2009

Ritual Development

a. My understanding of the word “ritual” means an action or series of action that is performed to get back something as a result, in other words ritual has a lot of meaning in different communities in different countries or even the communities that live in same country. My understanding of ritual is where people come together to perform an action which is used to be performed by their older generation.
b. The rituals that I observe in my society is when people gathering for the holidays. For instance, to get live goat or lamb for slaughtering of Eid day (Muslim holiday) or group prayer every Friday in the mosque.
c. The rituals that I observe in my family are that: For example, my father and the whole family, every Friday come together praying and reading the Holly Qur’an.
d. The prevalent that I can identify is the only religious ritual which have acceptance by all the people who accepted that particular religion.
e. The ritual that I would like to develop in our society is to offer the community the educational rituals that would help them to understand their difference.

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