Sunday, July 26, 2009

Weekly Written Analysis 5

The current pop culture I have found for the weekly wtitten analysis 5 is black berry .Internet has changed the world of communication .These changes are forever, its improving from day to day, month to month.
As the time goes and days pass the technology and the human capabilities are growing, in this modernized world the exchanging information is becoming as easy as drinking water in a jar. The big guys who are hosting this changing game to world are a black berry is first introduced in 1999 as a two way pager.
A black berry smart phone was first developoed by the Canadian company known as research in Motion (RIM). A black berry first interred into marketing as a device, that would only serve as an email device, that is why today the black berry device sends email , data or information to no black berry device. The black berry the smart phone which includes everything that modern cell -phones poses or has, even though a black berry cell phones are made for the first time as a two way pager but they are the leading cell phone providers in the United States of America.

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